Monday, September 7, 2009

Sigh.... So sad.... Sad sad news...... The korean babe is nt in the same tutorial grp as me.... =P
Which, fortunately, is also good news... Her tutorial grp starts lesson at 5, compared to mine which is an hour earlier...

But that's not the point... Today, an amazing thing happened! It was so rare ok! Serious! Ok, are u ready for it???? I think u can guess the answer alr la, i always exclaim when i do it... I STUDIED!!!!! Wow rite? I think so too! I wrote like 3 essays today la!! Such a rare phenomenon!!

Ok la, truth is that the break between my morning lecture and the tutorial is 5 and a half hours long... And it was a seriously long 5 hour wait la... After lunch, i kinda juz sat down and did my work lo.... I had 5 hours to try the qns anyway.... IBM (which stands for introduction to business and management) was a major killer of brain cells.... Apparently this subject is nt limited to the 5kg notes that he dished out for us... Its a topic so wide, only the newspapers and news on the internet can suffice the basic information that we require to even start writing essays that gets ticks instead of crosses....

But the most impt point, i survived the day.......

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